Is Bliss Fat Girl Sleep really a scam?
Bliss Fat girl sleep is another night-time firming cream that claims to cut out your cellulite fat while you are asleep. Formulated with encapsulated slenderize complex, it claims to diminish cellulite dimples inches. However, looking at the official website it lacks information on money back guarantee, clinical studies and testimonials. Hardly a good beginning for anti-cellulite product.
Was It Researched?
My research on the web shows that Bliss Fat Girl Sleep claims to release firming ingredients and promote a sleep friendly environment with lavender. It even claims to promote micro circulation. But sorry to say, that the product has no claim to any research about its tested benefits.
The ingredients that are supposed to contribute to the effective working of Bliss Fat Girl Sleep go as follows:
Sacred Lotus Extract:
Drops down inflammation of skin. It helps in the breakdown of fat. Counters slackened skin.
Red algae extracts:
Basically works to promote microcirculation and decrease water retention.
Lavender essence:
Delivers calming, relaxing and aroma therapeutic benefits.
How Much Does It Cost?
The Product is made available at a price of $32.70 for a quantity of 6oz/170.5g. But does not give any clues about the special offers. Also no free trial and money back offer.
How To Use Bliss Fat Girl Sleep?
The product's official website recommends having a massage of Bliss Fatgirlsleep onto the troubled spots for around 20-30 seconds before bedtime. The product is entirely for external use. If any rashes or irritation persist then discontinue use and immediately consult your physician.
Will It Work for You?
The product tries to make a huge hue and cry about its effectiveness, but make note this is not a weight or fat loss product. It may give you a good night's sleep as it is formulated with an encapsulated complex of sacred lotus flower and soothing lavender. However, the product lacks a punch and is found wanting on many scales of research and other findings.
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